expanded class interface POINTER
   -- References to objects meant to be exchanged with non-Eiffel software.
   -- Note : An Eiffel POINTER is mapped as C type "void *" or as
   -- Java "java.lang.Object" type.

feature(s) from HASHABLE
   hash_code: INTEGER
      -- The hash-code value of Current.
         good_hash_value: Result >= 0

feature(s) from POINTER
   is_null: BOOLEAN
      -- Is the external POINTER a NULL pointer ?

   is_not_null: BOOLEAN
      -- Is the external POINTER a non-NULL pointer ?

   to_string: STRING

   append_in (buffer: STRING)
      -- Append on str a viewable version of Current.

      -- Append terse printable represention of current object
      -- in tagged_out_memory.
         not_cleared: tagged_out_memory.count >= old tagged_out_memory.count;
         append_only: (old tagged_out_memory.twin).is_equal(tagged_out_memory.substring(1,old tagged_out_memory.count))

      -- Append terse printable represention of current object
      -- in tagged_out_memory.

   infix "+" (offset: INTEGER): POINTER
      -- Current moved by an offset of offset bytes.

   to_any: ANY
      -- Dangerous forced conversion. This function assume that Current 
      -- is really a reference to some Eiffel allocated object.

feature(s) from POINTER
   -- For compatibility with the obsolete INTEGER_REF style:

   item: POINTER

   set_item (value: like item)
         item = value

feature(s) from POINTER
   basic_sprintf_pointer (native_array: NATIVE_ARRAY[CHARACTER]; p: POINTER)

   basic_pointer_hash_code (p: POINTER): INTEGER

   basic_pointer_to_any (p: POINTER): ANY
      -- Dangerous forced conversion. This function assume that p is
      -- really a reference to some Eiffel allocated object.

   basic_pointer_plus (p: POINTER; offset: INTEGER): POINTER
      -- Pointer p moved by an offset of offset bytes.

   string_buffer: STRING


end of expanded POINTER