[10] Refactoring Generics in JAVA: a case study on Extract Method (Raúl Marticorena, Carlos López, Yania Crespo, Javier Pérez), In 14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2010) (Jua Carlos Dueñas Rafael Capilla, Rudolf Ferenc, eds.), IEEE Computer Society, 2010. [download id=”1837″]
[9] Umbrales relativos. Caso de estudio para incorporar métricas en la detección de Bad Smells (Raúl Marticorena, Carlos López, Yania Crespo, Esperanza Manso), In Revista de Procesos y MÉtricas, volume 7, 2010. [download id=”1842″]
[8] A Case Study to Evaluate the Suitability of Graph Transformation Tools for Program Refactoring (Javier Pérez, Yania Crespo, Berthold Hoffman, Tom Mens), In Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2010. (to appear)
[7] Fall Detection Systems: A Solution Based on Low Cost Sensors (Miguel A. Laguna, María Jesús Tirado, Javier Finat, José Manuel Marqués Corral), In Proceedings of ICSOFT 2010 – Fifth International Conference on Software and Data Technologies., 2010.
[6] Sistema de Detección de Caídas: Una Solución Basada en Sensores de Bajo Coste (Miguel A. Laguna, José Manuel Marqués Corral, María Jesús Tirado, Javier Finat), In Actas de CISTI 2010 ISBN 978-989-9624-2-6, 2010.
[5] Smart assistance for persons with disabilities: a sensor enabled web-based solution in cultural heritage environments (Miguel A. Laguna, David Molinero, José A. González, Javier Finat), In Proceedings of WebMGS 2010 (1st International Workshop on Pervasive Web Mapping, Geoprocessing and Services), 2010.
[4] The identification of anomalous code measures with conditioned interval metrics (Carlos López, Esperanza Manso, Yania Crespo), In 13th TOOLS Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE 2010), 2010. [download id=”1844″]
[3] On the Semantics of the Extend Relationship in Use Case Models: Open-Closed Principle or Clairvoyance? (Miguel A. Laguna, José Manuel Marqués Corral, Yania Crespo), In Springer LNCS 6051(CAISE 2010), 2010.
[2] UML Support for Designing Software Product Lines: The Package Merge Mechanism (Miguel A. Laguna, José Manuel Marqués Corral), In Journal of Universal Computer Science, volume 16, 2010.
[1] A Software Product Line Approach for E-Commerce Systems (Miguel A. Laguna, Carmen Hernández), In IEEE proceedings of ICEBE, 2010.
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